

Postby Braveheart » December 2nd, 2015, 5:25 am

Name: Idir

Age:10 months

Rank: King



Pride (Former) : The River Pride. During a territorial war with a islander pride, a deadly flash flood (combined with deadly weather) annihilated both prides.

Parents/Siblings/Pride mates:

Sisters: Marah, Sade II
Mother: Kula
Father: Akachi I

Love Interest/Crush:Both/Either Tiffu & Zuri. Later stopped caring when his mate returned.

Personality:Crafty, as well as being playful. Keen observer. Fast learner. He loves socializing with other cubs/creatures, but keeps his true intention secret.

Physical strength: Not much more than an average cub. Idir's limited fighting skills are copied from what he has learned from other prides.Would rather flee than fight.

Prehistory/life in the River Pride: Idir was mostly protected/shielded heavily by his big sister before the flash flood incident which crushed his nation.

Current History/Situation:After losing his pride, Idir seeks a new one where he can trust. One that can give him lounging and love. Unfortunately, most prides do not simply welcome a male newcomer, and sees him as a threat to their prides. They would chase him away/beat the living lights out of him. He did this because his memory had been lost.

Having being taught by an experienced hyena about resilience & other tactics, the young cub is not one to give up that easily. (That hyena is now dead due to old age but he has helped him establish contacts with other hyenas groups). What he cannot have, he would steal or apply deception to get things he needs. Food, water..etc.

Idir later would cease his raiding activities with the help of his new found companions: A lioness cub & a hyena. He decides to go on a journey to regain his throne back in the South and to meet up with his elder sister.

Place Of Residence: Since Idir is always on the move, he has no fixed place to call 'Home'. He sleeps basically anywhere from a abandoned cave, up on trees,bushes and even underneath big rocks. He does this with his companions later while seeking a way to recover his throne.

Alliance: Strictly business relationship with Hyenas & other animals, such as joining and planning raids into Pridelander/Outlander lands.He honors the mantra, "Honor among thieves". Oh, that was changed when his friends found him.

Dislikes: Those who treat him unkindly.
Strong dislikes:Kion and his lion guard because working with the hyenas automatically make them 'cross swords'. Later he become friends, well... kind of.

Thanks to Killjoy_Dixon for letting me adopt his outline.

Special: Claws have better durability & grip compared to other lion prides, as a signature inheritance.

Theme song:

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Last edited by Braveheart on May 24th, 2016, 3:16 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Idir

Postby Leviara_Lioness » December 4th, 2015, 4:08 am

Wow, thats a nice layout, of your char Idir, that name sounds Scottish/Celtic , I could be wrong?!
I Love youre Character Idir, he grows on me!

Ok well heres my OC below in the link, She/me isnt as grande as you'res though, more of a tragedy, but through survival was made tough!
Israeli Princess Lioness

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Re: Idir

Postby Braveheart » December 4th, 2015, 5:54 am

Thanks for checking in! :D

Unfortunately no, Idir is an Northern African name meaning 'Alive'. I have chosen the name because he's the last of his river pride. I plan to develop Idir in a future RP, even through he was created as a rival to Kion. A wild thief if you will. Cocky, arrogant. Jealous.

But Idir's isn't exactly a tough nut to crack, he's also a whiny little kid at heart and he's a tad younger than your OC. (He was also beaten for being too touchy with females, but all he wants is to reciprocate his mother's touch!) :lol:

I have to honestly say I shed a tear after reading your OC profile & I agree that tragedy makes a person/lion strong. To me, it's really not about making characters grand, but more.. down to earth. :)
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Re: Idir

Postby Leviara_Lioness » December 5th, 2015, 3:18 am

I agree, too! I love his description, i find him endearing to me! :dreamy: Well "he" can be touchy and lovy with me, I'm a very maternal lioness! :dreamy:
**huggs you** :hug3: Well i appreciate you're compassion for my char, showing compassion, and love are strengths not weaknesses, as I made her much like me, as you said, it makes them/us more down to earth, thats the way i like it, too. Like her my life has been really rough, though like her, there are bright spots between the storm's in "our" lives!
Israeli Princess Lioness

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Re: Idir

Postby Braveheart » January 21st, 2016, 5:51 am

The Iron Claws Family Tree


(Please right click & view image)

1st Generation from King Mufasa's time
2nd Generation from King Simba's time
3rd Generation from when Princess Kiara was a cub
4th Generation from Queen Kiara's time
As Idir grew older, he tends to be more serious during missions/orders (mainly from the pride he is staying with), and less goofy & touchy with females. He still is quite playful from time to time during down time. The rest of his story differs from RP to RP. Same for his ultimate goals.
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Re: Idir

Postby Leviara_Lioness » February 5th, 2016, 6:58 am

Thats a Seriously Cool AF Family Tree Bro BraveHeart!!!
I really love it!! :D :D
Israeli Princess Lioness

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