Postby Azdgari » November 15th, 2016, 6:46 am

[quote="Regulus"]For some reason, MLK has always been my favorite place to discuss politics and other serious issues. It seems so weird--why go to a (usually inactive) Lion King forum to discuss this stuff? I have no idea.

Even after years of it, I don't understand.
I know. It's bizarre, I'm the same way.

Yeah, crazy election. Not the outcome me or really anyone close to me wanted, but that's democracy. Some worries--

Healthcare: Holding a degree in US healthcare policy, believe me when I say I don't have time to explain all the reasons that Trump's 'repeal the ACA but keep the bits I like' will not work, and Paul Ryan's plan is a pretty big mess too (make Medicare a voucher program? Ryan man I thought you were smart). Everyone likes to dump on the ACA, but I would wager that very few people have any real idea of what's in it other than a vague understanding of the mandate, exchanges, and other insurance clauses that make up <10% of the bill.

There are legitimate, pressing problems, especially with insurers dropping out of the marketplaces (although this is in part driven by Republican refusal to fund parts of them in an intentional attempt to sabotage the bill), and regardless of innovation programs and new payment schemes, costs are rising (as they were before the ACA, we might recall). Maybe someday we'll realize that the private insurance model will never work, which is why no other successful health systems use it. Unfortunately, Republicans are the champions of private healthcare insurance as part of the 'free' market. In any event, talk to the tens of millions of Americans who have insurance now about whether the ACA is a 'failure'.

Immigration: Not worried about the wall goofiness, but the millions of 'dreamers', illegal immigrants brought when they were children, will now fear deportation. These are not criminals, they are children in our schools and colleges working to achieve the American dream.

Foreign policy: Who knows. The middle east is a total powder keg and someone who didn't know what the nuclear triad was a few months ago has nearly unilateral power over the most powerful military in the world. Yikes. And hate that he, like everyone else, is spewing this "rebuild the military" crap. First of all, our military is ridiculously, absurdly, impossibly expensive and overpowered. Secondly, if you want NATO to take more responsibility for security, wouldn't we scale DOWN spending, since we don't want to pay trillions and trillions of dollars to be the world's sketchy private security force?

Trade: Withdrawing from the global economy probably won't be fantastic in the long run. Trade is pretty empirically good for economies, even though it has growing pains associated with it. Tired of that NAFTA talking point; c'mon everyone, do thirty seconds of research. NAFTA's been a pretty tame beast.

LGBTQ: Pence is an unadulterated, indefensible bigot. Prepare for him to do all he can to scale back federal protections for our homosexual and transgender citizens. Track record speaks for itself on that one.

Energy: Yeah, you made a good point on this one, but as clean gets more affordable, I actually think Trump might 180 on the coal. I do think he's a businessman at the end of the day. That also gives me hope that he'll back off of the "FREE TRADE IS EVIL" thing once he begins getting more familiar with global macroeconomics, which shockingly probably isn't his strong suit as a (primarily) NY real estate broker.

In any event, it will be interesting to see how the Republican party behaves now that it has full accountability. Whatever side you're on (I like to consider myself pretty central, but I guess I drift now and again), you cannot deny that the Republican party (as has the Democrats on occasion, certainly) been the party of "no" over the course of the last eight years. No is no longer an option, and I look forward with hope that perhaps they will create some positive, productive change.
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Postby Squeely » November 15th, 2016, 7:40 am

I feel like I should state that I don't hate Obamacare. We had a bad problem in this country of the unemployed being unable to receive healthcare. When you factor in how difficult it is to get a job in the first place: college degree usually required even for the most basic of jobs, resumes often taking an hour or more just to complete one, sometimes with complicated questions, and such a limited number of jobs available, it's easy to see why this became such a problem. Plus, there's the fact that a lot of jobs deny you benefits as much as they can. Walmart is infamous for not giving employees enough hours for them to get certain benefits, which I'm sure included health care. Obamacare was an attempt to finally fix this, and succeeded more than it failed.

I do hate how insurance companies reacted to it, though. Because as I've said, raising premiums and no longer covering 100% of medical bills is what hurt my mom and I, and probably thousands of other people. I pointed out how Obamacare ended up hurting people in this way, to explain why a portion of the population would be mad at it and latch onto Trump. Trump was, after all, the only one offering any sort of relief, be it the repeal, tax cuts, or the promise of economic growth. And I won't lie, while Obama likely didn't intend for Obamacare to cost people, I can't help but feel some resentment toward him for not doing anything about it after the fact. While my resentment is minor, I'd imagine it's strong enough in other people to earn Trump some votes.

I don't think repealing Obamacare is a good idea. I've seen some articles that say Trump isn't repealing it after all, though, so who knows. Hopefully it'll stick around.
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Postby Panpardus » December 13th, 2016, 10:24 pm

So now that we've had a month or so to get used to the actual reality of President-elect Trump, and we've seen how he's conducted himself and how his administration is shaping up, I have to ask any and all Trump supporters (which I guess I can do on here with a higher chance of getting a response than in real life, in part just because I don't personally know any Trump supporters; at best just anti-Hillary Clinton people) the following: How do you feel about the man who claimed he was going to "drain the swamp" but is currently skinny dipping in it and seems to be planning on terraforming the dry areas around said metaphorical swamp because he likes it so much? Were his back-and-forths on economic policies (the fact that he's shipped his own jobs overseas and brags about how adept he is at not paying taxes for decades, yet he claims he'll protect those very workers he's often [blatantly] ripped off in the past from just those abuses) that would most directly affect his very constituency not enough to make you at least take him with a truck-load of salt?

I know some really conservative types like Mark Levin are pissed at Trump for going back on some of his campaign "promises" like the wall (now he's just looking at a double-layered fence) and for floating cabinet appointees who they actually think aren't conservative enough (even though they're objectively very conservative) but what does the more "average Joe" think of Trump right now?

I'm not asking as a Clinton supporter (because I wasn't, even though she's objectively better than Trump on some issues, if only because Trump himself was a dumpster-fire) or even necessarily a Sanders supporter (though he was probably the best person in the race and arguably the better candidate for the Dems to have put up against Trump, but they decided to collude with the Clinton campaign against him when they should've remained uninvolved); just as someone who is looking at the facts of the matter at present and wondering what's going on in some people's heads, particularly since the so-called "silent majority" aren't really getting a lot of press coverage despite the fact that for weeks now all we've been hearing from the CNN-types throughout the media cycles is how the Democrats need to reach out and reconnect with that demographic if they ever want to win again.
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Postby Elton John » December 13th, 2016, 11:22 pm

At this point i'm confused as to what is real or not.

RUSSIAN HACKERS.... which could just be a scapegoat...

FAKE NEWS....so which news is real or not?

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Postby Azdgari » December 14th, 2016, 7:58 am

[quote="The Lionvengers"]At this point i'm confused as to what is real or not.

RUSSIAN HACKERS.... which could just be a scapegoat...
I miss Bernie-san.[/quote]
Well... the world's most powerful, resource-rich intelligence entity declared, with clarity and confidence, that hackers sponsored by the Russian government intervened to aid Donald Trump.
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Postby xoxo » January 4th, 2017, 7:20 am

Not to be rude or offensive, but i think that no one wants Hilary Clinton as America's next President because she's a woman. I was cheering for her throughout the whole Presidential Election. Shame that Trump's gonna be America's next President! He's rude & immature! He makes fun of people like me who are disabled! NOT FUNNY!!! Not to be rude or offensive again, but this was on the America News: People around the world were messing up the election by making sure that Trump would be America's next President! I won't list the countries who did that! Trump's gonna make things WORSE for America with his rudeness & wrong actions! Know what i mean? I don't really know much about Hilary Clinton & Benghazi. And her emails or etc. If she's been doing bad stuff, why did they let her run for President instead of putting her in jail or whatever? I don't know who to trust President-wise. I wanted Hilary Clinton to win & not Trump, but that ended up badly with Trump becoming America's next President! I really don't care or pay much attention to politics to be honest. But now that it was time to elect a new President, i cheered for Hilary Clinton. I loathe Trump! I was an Barack Obama Fan when he was America's President for a year or two. Can't remember how long he was America's President. I was a BIG Fan of him the whole time. Can't remember why though. Weird. My family & i get into bad arguments when we discuss politics, especially when the Presidential Election occurred. My dad supported Trump the whole time then, and loathed Hilary Clinton! He said that if Hilary Clinton were America's next new President, he'd move to another country! Not kidding. He said that a few times during the Presidential Election. My mom works with all kinds of students as a speech teacher in our town. She told us once that one of her Mexican students told her that he's moving back to Mexico because of Trump sending Mexicans out of America & putting up a wall around the border of America to Mexico. {Sorry if i mentioned this before. It's heart-breaking). Trump's gonna screw America up worse then any other President of America did years ago, except Abraham Lincoln. I am a HUGE fan of Abraham Lincoln. He was the Greatest American President America ever had! That i know of anyways.

Trump did visit my hometown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania United States (America-USA) last year and was very calm, mature, thankful, & polite to everyone there. He was like a whole new person then! Shocking, i know! I still loathe him & support Hilary Clinton. Sorry if i offended or upset any of you by saying this stuff!

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Postby Gemini » January 4th, 2017, 7:41 am

[quote="PridelanderLioness08"]Not to be rude or offensive, but i think that no one wants Hilary Clinton as America's next President because she's a woman.[/quote]


Are you actually being legit right now or
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Postby MalibuTrashDog » January 4th, 2017, 7:47 am

Spoiler: show
Not to be rude or offensive, but i think that no one wants Hilary Clinton as America's next President because she's a woman. I was cheering for her throughout the whole Presidential Election. Shame that Trump's gonna be America's next President! He's rude & immature! He makes fun of people like me who are disabled! NOT FUNNY!!! Not to be rude or offensive again, but this was on the America News: People around the world were messing up the election by making sure that Trump would be America's next President! I won't list the countries who did that! Trump's gonna make things WORSE for America with his rudeness & wrong actions! Know what i mean? I don't really know much about Hilary Clinton & Benghazi. And her emails or etc. If she's been doing bad stuff, why did they let her run for President instead of putting her in jail or whatever? I don't know who to trust President-wise. I wanted Hilary Clinton to win & not Trump, but that ended up badly with Trump becoming America's next President! I really don't care or pay much attention to politics to be honest. But now that it was time to elect a new President, i cheered for Hilary Clinton. I loathe Trump! I was an Barack Obama Fan when he was America's President for a year or two. Can't remember how long he was America's President. I was a BIG Fan of him the whole time. Can't remember why though. Weird. My family & i get into bad arguments when we discuss politics, especially when the Presidential Election occurred. My dad supported Trump the whole time then, and loathed Hilary Clinton! He said that if Hilary Clinton were America's next new President, he'd move to another country! Not kidding. He said that a few times during the Presidential Election. My mom works with all kinds of students as a speech teacher in our town. She told us once that one of her Mexican students told her that he's moving back to Mexico because of Trump sending Mexicans out of America & putting up a wall around the border of America to Mexico. {Sorry if i mentioned this before. It's heart-breaking). Trump's gonna screw America up worse then any other President of America did years ago, except Abraham Lincoln. I am a HUGE fan of Abraham Lincoln. He was the Greatest American President America ever had! That i know of anyways.

Trump did visit my hometown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania United States (America-USA) last year and was very calm, mature, thankful, & polite to everyone there. He was like a whole new person then! Shocking, i know! I still loathe him & support Hilary Clinton. Sorry if i offended or upset any of you by saying this stuff!

:( :roll: :nomnom: :fakeworry: :ziracry: :forgiving: :down: :ocwap: :disappointed3: :ohnoes: :ohnoes2: :wha4: :hey8: :horrified2: :sob3: :dramaqueen: :disappointed2: :roll2: :sad5: :upset2: :wha3: :worried: :sowwy: :omg: :huh: :hmm2:

English major, heh.
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Postby Panda-chan » January 4th, 2017, 7:49 am

[quote="PridelanderLioness08"]Not to be rude or offensive, but i think that no one wants Hilary Clinton as America's next President because she's a woman.[/quote]
Aaaand I stopped reading. I agree with Twin. I literally CANNOT tell whether you're trolling or serious.
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Postby Elton John » January 4th, 2017, 8:01 am

There are people who legitimately dont think Hillary should become president because she is female, but certainly not every hill hater and there are maaaaany reasons to dislike her.

Not that I believe Trump is better. We were presented with two terrible choices and uh....I miss bernie-san :(
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