MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby Simba » January 15th, 2009, 5:43 pm

alrighty :)

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Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby Panda-chan » January 15th, 2009, 9:16 pm

Wow that's great! I'm sure it'll be popular in no time!
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Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby Katelyn23 » January 15th, 2009, 10:24 pm

OMG.. I love the new MLKFAA, Moka! ^^ I just uploaded some fan-art I made. I can't wait to see it fully updated. 8-)

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Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby Moka » January 16th, 2009, 11:44 pm

Hi everyone! Thanks for the comments. I just noticed a problem with Artist Comments, when someone uses an apostrophe it makes a slash in front of it. (see Amanda's artist comments for an example: I will work on fixing this!

Also, when people only have one artwork in their album it still says "1 Pictures", which I will fix also so its grammatically correct ^^

After those fixes I plan on doing the Characters. This section is for people to make a page about their character and link to pictures on MLKFAA. Much like the "Original Characters" forum.

Some people have also been asking about what to do with Balto stuff. After this project is completed, I am going to start on another project for fan fictions so people can submit fan fictions via the site and it'll be easier for people to read. That shouldn't take too long XD Then after that, I will work on the Balto side of things for this site (called "Balto Network"). Basically, I'll be putting together a bunch of Balto media and displaying it on the Balto Network site much like the MLK site displays TLK media.

Are there any other suggestions or errors you guys have seen in MLKFAA?

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Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby Zeke » January 16th, 2009, 11:54 pm

Other than maybe a link to the main site and forums, I don't think you need to add much. You've done a great job Moka!
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Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby morri908 » January 17th, 2009, 1:08 am

Dude. like zeke said, some links would be good. but other then that. it's good.. MLKFAA doesn't hate me anymore, just my file sizes (that's what i get for having them in highest quality.. lol.) but it's good. Nice job..
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Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby Moka » January 19th, 2009, 5:59 am

Is 2 megabytes too small of a limit? Seemed pretty fair to me :P

UPDATES as of...tonight.

- "Go To The Forums link" it was requested by some people. Its at the top of every page now.

- Grammar stuff..fixed things like "1 Pictures" to look like "1 Picture"..easy stuff.

- "Previous/Next Page links" for artists who have uploaded more than 20 pictures, I've made it easier on the user and the server by loading their pictures by intervals of 20 in separate pages. (Check out Annie's Gallery page... ... allery.php). In the future I will make it so you can jump to pages or even change how many artworks you want to see per page.

-"Favorites" - you can now add artists or artworks to your favorites list. There is a button on the top right of everyone's album that you can click on. Once you've added a few to your favorites, you can click here: ( to see them in a list. In the future I will be making this easier to get to. Right now you have to go to the "Edit my account" link at the top and click the "Favorites tab". Right now, favorites are only for people with an album (it will probably remain this way. If you don't have an album just make one its really easy.)

TO DO ...coming soon...

- I've noticed people are doing things with Artist Comments that I didn't expect. I will be improving this spot to allow BBCode and lines and stuff. I fixed the slashes error. I noticed that Simba wants to have paragraphs and stuff which is great, I'll make this work for everyone soon...

- Displaying Popular Artwork. Yeah..this should be easy. I'm just done for tonight. Actually displaying the artwork by its popularity is something I've been wanting to do. If you go to the MLKFAA index and click the "Popular Artwork" tab, thats where a grid of the most popular pictures will be. Popularity will be judged on how many people have favorited an artwork.

- Displaying Popular Artists. This should be even easier. If you go to "View Artists" you'll notice a heading "10 Most Popular Artists" with nothing listed below. I'll just make this work and it will display the 10 most popular artists. again, popularity is judged on how many people have fav'd that artist.

- Characters. Ugh. This will be difficult and may take me a while. The "Character" tab on artist's albums (which is broken right now so click if you dare) will show a list of the artist's characters. This list will link to artwork that has the character in it, as well as information about the character, hopefully in separate fields. When I finish with this stuff I might take out the Original Characters forum once everyone has copied their info over. Maybe not, it would be redundant to keep it, what do you guys think?

Other than there anything I'm missing? Any suggestions?

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Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby Simba » January 19th, 2009, 7:44 pm

well, the original character section here isn't just for fan artists...those who don't draw might prefer it to stay.

paragraphs sounds great :) I don't know about the 2MB limit...for JPEGs it isn't too bad. but for PNGs it has to be like 100X100 pixels to make it. maybe 10MB? that's not as big a space sucker as a 200MB guideline on TLKFAA, but it's more helpful than 2MB, like my Kiara & Nala is 25% of full size :P but try to keep mine uber high quality when I save them....still, it's up to you. I'll try to make mine with less layers or something.

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Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby morri908 » January 19th, 2009, 10:55 pm

i scan my pictures at 1200 DPI (idk what that means.. its just the highest scanning capability of my scanner.. lol) So all my pics have to be edited, i have to cut out about half the pic (which is just white paper And i have to go in and color the imperfections white.. (like when eraser particles get stuck to the paper.)... i think that maybe 5 MB would do... (that's my biggest one.. lol.)
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Re: MLK Fan Art Albums BIG Release!

Postby Moka » January 24th, 2009, 7:00 am

Haha, that sounds good I'll change it.

Update: Artists can now reply to comments made for their artwork. (instead of just posting another comment). Tell me if there are any problems with this, its relatively untested. All the artist has to do is click "reply" in the upper right of any comment made to their artwork.

Update: "Popular Artwork" tab for artists is now working along with pages. It will only show artwork that has been favorited at least once.

Next I'll be working on those characters

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