RunAway Lelia

RunAway Lelia

Postby kovusbuddy » June 8th, 2011, 11:32 pm

Characters- (Ill add them as i continue on)
PS = Prideland Subject (Which means the followers of the king and queen)
Kovu- King
Kiara- Queen
Lelia- Princess
Lania- Princess
Prowler- King and Queens spy
Naraah- PS Lioness
Discord- "The evil guy" (There always has to be an evil guy XD )
Eldressa- PS Lania and Lelias friend (Also Naraahs cub)
Quarla- PS Lioness (Naraahs best friend)
Levon- PS Lion (He likes Naraah and Quarla alot)
Chapter 1

Kovu and Kiara recently had a 2 cubs and named one Lelia and the other Lania. Lelia was growing strong and powerful, and Kovu hoped one day she would be a powerful lioness. But there came a day when Lelia chose she hated life and made a life changing choice.
"I hate my life Kiara!! Why am i going to have to be queen one day?? What if i dont wanna be queen??" Shouted Lelia
"Hush darling, you will be fine. You dont understand your just a little cub. When you get older things will change... Hopefully.." Purred Kiara
Kiara trotted out of the den and sat on the top of pride rock with Kovu and looked at the sunrise, as the stars slowly started to disappear as if somebody took an eraser and took it out of the picture.
Kovu.. Im worried about out daughter... Shes talking about not wanting to be a queen.. I mean she worries me.." Kiara said
"Oh Kiara dont worry she will be just fine. Remember what happened to Simba and Nala?? Im sure it will be the same thing." Stated Kovu
As Lelia heard the muffled voice of her parents talking, she quickly slipped past them off of pride rock and ran in the opposite way her parents were looking. She ran as fast as she could until she took a break by a tree. Oh ill just run away.. No point of even listening to them.. Ill just rest here and keep moving until i find shelter up ahead. Thought Lelia
Before she knew it she was sleeping and she didnt know what distress her mother and father were in..

Chapter 2

"Kovu shes gone.. The only thing we can do is protect our one and only cub.." Mumbled Kiara in disbelief
"Kiara im sorry but your right.. Shes gone.." Kovu sadly said
Kiara started to pace in circles. Lania ran up to Kiara and started to follow Kiaras side in pacing until they both got dizzy and fell over. Kiara giggled when she saw Lania fall over.
"Mom whats wrong.. You seem sad?" Said Lania
Kiaras smile slowly faded until she was frowning at Lania.
"Uh.. Lania i dont know how to tell you this but.. Lelia's missing and shes gone.. We think she ran away but we will search the whole pridelands to find her. We might even wander into the outlands just to find her."
Lania frowned and wished she had never even asked about why Kiara was sad.
"Lania, we will try hard to find her, but its not your concern.. So dont worry. Run along and play with your friends." Said Kovu Confidently
Lelia looked everywhere quickly and nervously. She heard a noise. What could it possibly be? Was it a mouse? No to small. Was it a bear? Maybe. A dark shadow figure with red glowing eyes and fangs looked at her. It gave an evil mechanical laughter noise. Lelia shuddered. It walked around her but when she saw its face she... SCREAMED!!. Suddenly.. She woke up. "Ahhh, just a bad dream. Im scared.. I want Kiara!" Lelia shouted with frustration.

Chapter 3

Kiara appeared out of the bushes with a soft face and whispered-- "Co-me ho-ome" and then disappeared into dust flying away in the cold wind. She had a mirage of her only mother. She whispered to herself Which ways home? how do i get back. What if i don't survive?
Lelia pulled herself up off the forest floor and trotted over to pond and lapped up cold clear spring water into her mouth. When she was done she looked around her to see a flat terrain for what seemed to go on for miles. How far did i run!? She silently thought to herself.
Kovu slowly walked into the den to find Kiara in the corner of the den weeping.
"Darling don't worry. We will find her. I promise!" Kovu said trying to sound calm and comforting.
Kiara took a quick break from crying.
"Its no use Kovu. That won't make me feel any better. I can't seem to face the reality that shes gone. I feel like im falling apart and like half of my heart is missing... You'll never truly understand what i'm feeling unless you have a cub and end up losing it... Shes my baby... I was supposed to protect her! This is all my fault!" Kiara yelled with rage. She went back to crying again. Kovu sighed. He walked slowly out of the den. Outside was Lania playing with her tail.
"Oh little Lania don't play with your tail you silly thing." Kovu chuckled.
Lania just looked up at him and then continued concentrating with catching her tail.

Chapter 4

Lelia felt like she was lost in another dimension. She had absolutely no clue where she was. Up ahead she saw a forest. Hm.. Maybe i should go to the forest. There's bound to be someone there.. and if not.. at least there's shelter and hopefully food... Lelia thought to herself.
She started walking toward the forest. It was still dark outside. Lelia had no sense of direction currently. She knew the smarter thing to do was to stay put and wait till sunrise, but she just couldn't kill her curiosity for the forest. She had a feeling there was something great in the forest waiting for her.
As soon as she got to the forest she was exhausted. She never realized how far she actually was from the forest. Her legs got wobbly and she collapsed on the floor and before she knew it she was out cold. Some sort of creature came out of the shadows and analyzed her. Then it pulled her by her two front paws deeper into the forest. When she woke up and stood up she found herself cornered. There were all these dark figures surrounding her. She couldn't figure out what was going on. She just woke up and she was so disoriented. She was in no shape to fight if that was what was required as of right now. She felt her limbs shaking and tensed up when she realized that this wasn't just a harmless bad dream. This was reality.
Back at pride rock Eldressa climbed up to talk to Kovu.
"Kovu! Kovu! I heard the news that Lelia went missing!!! What happened!!!?" Eldressa shouted.
"Whoa whoa, calm down. Shes just... Em... Busy at the moment.. Don't worry about it.. Its none of your concern cub. Go back to your mother." Kovu turned around and walked into the cave to check up on his queen. The surprised expression on Eldressa's face dropped to an upset expression. She hung her head dejectedly and walked down pride rock to go back to her mother.
Last edited by kovusbuddy on May 10th, 2013, 2:45 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: RunAway Lelia

Postby kovusbuddy » February 25th, 2012, 10:21 pm

Sorry i was gone for like a few months..
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Re: RunAway Lelia

Postby kovusbuddy » May 10th, 2013, 2:52 am

Alright guys so im back and im gonna be working on this again ^^
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